It's been just over a week since I packed and shipped my last order for the old It's been a great week, but I think it's time for a stay-cation.
I won't be away long; I just want enough time to clean my house... to really clean it and get everything organized. I've been so busy running my own businesses for the past 6 years that any free time I did have went to my son or husband, or to sleep (even though I never got much of that). I was pretty good at keeping up with the house and laundry, but all that went downhill about two or three years ago. I hate to admit this, but I haven't cleaned my house on a constant basis for at least two years. I only clean when we need to; such as when family comes to visit or if my son has a party here (like his Halloween party). I barely had time for laundry, and when I did do laundry the clothes never made it out of the laundry room. I'd be lucky to get them out of the dryer! I have a wonderful, large walk-in closet that I don't even use. A closet we built with our own hands and it's going to waste. How pathetic is that? It's just been really frustrating trying to keep up with everything and I'm so excited to finally have the time. After all, that's why I closed the business in the first place.
I took a week to do fun things - like celebrate my son's birthday, do some swatches for the blog, and watch some movies - but now it's time to get down to business and clean!
Hopefully it will just be a few days and then I'll be back to daily posts, but I'm going to stay away long enough to at least get the entire downstairs cleaned, and my son's bedroom and playroom. I should take before and after pics because you would never believe how messy our house is. I'm not embarrassed by that kind of thing, because I honestly think cleaning all the time is a wasted life, but I do like my house to be at least livable. Half the rooms in our house aren't used because of the mess. I want my pole dancing room back! :)
So anyhow, that's where I'll be in case anyone wonders why I'm not posting. I do have a bunch of swatch photos that I already took, I just need to process them, so there is a lot of great posts coming up!
Enter through May 8, 2011!
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